Буквоед (bukvoed) wrote,

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Минимальное необходимое воздействие.

В неуказанном, но видимо довольно лохматом году израильская компания Солтам разработала апгрейд американской 155мм гаубицы M114 под названием M114S. Родной 23-калиберный ствол заменялся на 33-калиберный - надо полагать, родственный стволу от солтамовской M-68 ? В результате ценой незначительного увеличения массы орудия (5900 кг вместо 5800) дальнобойность обычным снарядом увеличивалась с 14.6 до 18.3 км, а снаряд с донным газогенератором можно было запустить на 22.5 км. Затвор использовался оригинальный; лафет нуждался лишь в незначительной "рихтовке". В качестве бонуса гаубица оснащалось пневматическим досылателем. Вот немного деталей:

The new 155 mm 33 calibre barrel has a high-efficiency muzzle brake and is fitted with the original breech ring and breech mechanism of the M114. The new ordnance has a constant 1:20 twist rifling with 48 lands and grooves. The muzzle brake is the same as that fitted to other Soltam 155 mm towed artillery systems. The cradle remains unchanged although a front bushing has to be added by inserting a new bushing into the original one without the need for extensive machining. The existing spring-loaded equilibrators remain untouched but its upper location is changed, using new brackets bolted to the original points on the saddle. All other assemblies and components remain untouched, as well as all of the integrated logistics aspects. A loader assist device based on a pneumatic ramming piston is provided as an add-on kit. The loader assist device enhances the rate of fire and its accuracy as well as easing crew workload by reducing the need to lower the gun for loading. The cylindrical air cylinder for the pneumatic rammer is mounted on the right trail.

The conversion kit includes the following:
(1) 155 mm 33 calibre tube and muzzle brake
(2) Pneumatic ramming system and its installation
(3) Mounts and fixtures kit
(4) Direct firing telescope as an option
(5) Upgrading instruction and technical data pack

The Soltam upgraded M114 can fire all of the standard 155 mm types of ammunition in worldwide use, starting with the M107 family of ammunition and ending with the more recent Extended Range Full-Bore Base Bleed (ERFB-BB) long-range ammunition family. The following ranges are obtained:
M107 projectile - 18,300 m
M56 projectile - 19,100 m
ERFB-BB projectile - 22,500 m

Due to the improved gun balance, six crew members are enough for the deployment of the M114S instead of the eight crew members of the original M114.


По второй из ссылок также читаем, что

The Israel Defence Force has about 50 155 mm M114 towed howitzers held in reserve, as far as it is known these have not been modified by Soltam Systems to the M114S standard. United Nations sources have shown that none of these weapons were exported by Israel between 1992 and 2000. It is understood that there has been no recent marketing of this weapon.

Не в первый раз до меня доходят слухи про M114 в АОИ. Кто-то фантазирует, или всё-таки у этого дыма был какой-то огонь ? Я бы предположил, что от Иордании в 67-м могло что-то перепасть, но в списках трофеев нет...
Tags: артиллерия, израиль

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