Буквоед (bukvoed) wrote,

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Поможем сельскому хозяйству !


Помимо широко известных катковых тралов "Нохри", в наших краях в принципе водятся (и производятся) ножевые. Делает их IAI в лице своего подразделения Рамта; соответственно девайс известен как Ramta TWMP (Track Wide Mine Plow) а на иврите - "Магов Рамта". В качестве пользователей Джейнз (см. комменты mr_fix) указывает АОИ, американскую армию (400 штук с 1989-го, для использования с Абрамсами) и КМП, австралийцев и канадцев. Датчане признаются в покупке трёх комплектов. Пишут, что девайс основан на американском трале, разработанном Крайслером в начале 70-х для танков M60.

Janes (2002) описывает девайс следующим образом:

The RAMTA TWMP consists of two plough units with separate lifting mechanisms and depth control systems. No alterations to the tank are needed as the plough is attached to the towing lugs on the tank front hull. Transferring the TWMP from one tank to another takes less than 1 hour using the tool kit supplied.
The TWMP is operated by the tank driver. When travelling, the ploughs are raised and secured by a locking device. In operation, the driver releases the locking device and the ploughs drop free for the teeth to dig into the ground and dislodge buried mines which are then pushed aside. Any tilt-rod mines in the central unploughed area between the ploughs, will be detonated by a chain suspended between the ploughs. Each plough unit operates independently and follows the natural terrain contours, clearing a path wider than the tank tracks. After use, the TWMP can be lifted back to the travelling position by a mechanical device connected to the track tension wheel or by 24 V DC electrical motors.

Specifications (As fitted on Leopard 2 MBT)
Ploughing depth: 300 mm
Ploughed width each side: 1.312 m
Unploughed width between tracks: 1.069 m
Skidshoe track each side: 0.35 m
Chain track in centre: 0.197 m
Clearing speed:
(loess) 6.5 km/h
(sand and clay) 9.5 km/h
(stony) 6.5 km/h

А вот описание с австралийского сайта:

The plough action moves the mines aside without detonating them, and can be adjusted to give a clearance depth of 200, 250 or 300 mm. The TWMP clears a lane about one metre wide in front of each track, and there is an unploughed lane 1500 mm wide between the tracks. In this uncleared area, the TWMP drags a “dog bone” which is used to detonate tilt rod mines. The total weight of the installed equipment is around 3 tonnes. The TWMP comprises a main frame, which is attached to the tank in a similar manner to the dozer attachment. Push beams provide support to the ploughs, known as moldboards. Skids are located on the push beams to regulate the plough depth. Lifting mechanisms allow the left and right moldboards to be raised and lowered independently. An electrical harness, feeding though the armoured conduit cover, connects with the control box in the driver’s compartment. This provides the driver with the means of operating the TWMP and also allows him to fire the quick disconnect cartridges, which allows the whole assembly to be jettisoned in case of damage.









Мелкая неразборчивая фотография. Согласно подписи, из наших краёв; но смущают оригинальные американские командирские башенки, которые в АОИ довольно быстро заменили. Может всё же американцы, и даже со своим собственным тралом ?


Сабж на Абрамсе, 1995:

И на австралийском Леопарде 1:


В Латруне:

Tags: австралия, израиль, минирование и разминирование, сша

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